Marriage is a beautiful journey, but it can also have its challenges. At Severe Anxiety Expert, we understand the difficulties that couples face, and we are here to provide you with expert guidance and support to navigate them.
Our marriage counselling services are designed to help you improve your communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen your relationship. We employ a variety of time-tested technique to help you achieve a happier and healthier relationship.
Our marriage counselling services include:
Whether you are struggling with communication, trust, or intimacy, Severe Anxiety Expert is here to help. Contact us today to start your journey towards a happier and healthier marriage.
Some of the couples remain in denial mode.
Either one or both the partners keep on pretending to themselves as well as their family members as if everything is beautiful.
They refuse to see that the things are going wrong.
Consequently, they don’t take help when the relationship could still be saved through marriage counselling.
Similar is the state with your Severe Anxiety.
You must take help as early as possible.
The truth is that the foremost thing to be done in any situation is to first accept the reality.
Then only something can be done about it.
In your case you are already accepting that your conjugal relationship is breaking down.
That is a very healthy sign. We are here to help you now.
Definitely, things will change for the better very soon.
Please click here to know whether you have Severe Anxiety or the usual anxiety………
Since it involves both of you it’s always, always, always better if both of you come for marriage counselling together.
However, if your partner does not wish to come at this stage, then we shall begin with you alone.
At least 50% work can be done!
We can assure you that first you come alone regularly for your training and counselling sessions.
You learn and practice the very simple techniques of dealing with your partner in a more matured and balanced way.
The moment you start changing your behaviour, your partner automatically starts changing his or her behaviour even without realizing what is actually happening.
That’s the beauty of these simple down-to-earth techniques………
We surely understand your turmoil.
This feeling of ‘total breakdown’ is similar to Severe Anxiety.
Please start anywhere and share your sorrows with us or any intimate friend.
It’s very, very important to let the steam out and not bother about ‘What will people think?’
We are all human beings. We are all imperfect and prone to making mistakes.
At times we fail to maintain good relationships with people who matter the most in our life.
It’s nothing shameful or catastrophic.
It’s human to err and even more human to learn from your mistakes, mend your ways and go forward in your life as a more matured and emotionally balanced person………
You can do either of the two things:
You can throw all the blame on your spouse.
It then becomes a game of accusing, blaming and complaining.
You can go on endlessly with your horror stories – how you were ragged and harassed and how you bore everything patiently and courageously.
Nobody gets transformed in this very common game.
You don’t change, your spouse does not change and marriage remains more and more on rocks.
You feel like an honoured suffering member of the human race and an innocent victim of life’s injustice.
Definitely, your friends and family members give you their sympathy at your sorry state.
But it is a very destructive and energy-sucking way of getting their attention.
Your frustrations don’t end; in fact, you feel more isolated, depressed and stressed out.
You start having more and more symptoms of Severe Anxiety.
Don’t you agree that finally it all saps away your self-respect?
You just become an object of pity for others, feeling inferior to others at most social occasions?………
It is to realize the eternal truth: Our Mother Earth is a training school for the spiritual evolution of your soul.
Your soul has had a long, long journey through various life times on this beautiful planet.
It had various pleasurable as well as painful experiences during this mysterious journey.
Every experience added something to its growth.
Whatever was needed for its evolution to the next level was provided in that particular life time.
So in this life time this particular experience had to happen to both of you.
You were supposed to give each other some pain and some pleasure so that both the souls evolved to the next level in their own different ways………
Again, accept this reality.
Don’t fight with this another reality of your soul’s journey.
Again, accept that initially for your own happiness the solo burden is on you only.
Acceptance of the reality – accepting the situation for ‘what is right now’ rather than ‘what it should have been’ – is your biggest strength to deal with this unfair situation.
Tolerance, acceptance and patience are the 3 lessons you have to imbibe from this life’s current situation.
You may do it immediately; your misery will be over immediately.
Happy days will be here again!
Or you may continue to feel victimised and engross yourself in self-pity; you will continue feeling more miserable for a long time to come………
We draw a red curved line on a white paper and show the paper to you.
You read it as 9; while your partner reads it as 6.
So who is more right? Both are partially right and partially wrong – depending upon one’s own particular angle.
Same way, you are right that your partner gave you misery.
But from his or her angle, you gave greater misery!
Now again who is more right?
You are attached, fixated and totally identified to your own particular way of thinking.
You erroneously believe that your angle is the only right angle.
The same mistake your partner is making.
In this clash of attachments both of you gradually take more and more hard-line positions.
Small petty issues start taking huge importance.
The relationship starts losing its charm.
You both keep on suffering more and more………
Now comes the next truth: Your partner is not the actual source of your suffering.
It is your attachment to your own way of thinking that is the root cause of your marital discord.
It’s exactly like you becoming attached to your teddy bear toy.
You are hugging it tightly and not willing to give up your toy.
Ditto for your partner.
The realization that this suffering is actually helpful for your soul’s evolution makes you see the situation from an entirely different perspective.
This makes you less rigid and more accommodative of the opposite point of view.
Try it and experience the difference yourself.
The moment flexibility comes in the picture your marriage again starts becoming more romantic and more fulfilling………
Your very personal issues need to be understood in greater detail first.
Then only the right answers can come out during the marriage counselling sessions.
For this you need to come for a series of totally personalized sessions plus training sessions to learn the various techniques.
During these sessions you practically learn various skills to deal with a difficult person in tough situations.
It is undoubtedly a little different initially.
But soon you start seeing your life’s flowering happening right in front of your own eyes.
Remember, it is always ‘Short term pain, long term gain’.
But if you avoid going through this process of self-cleansing, then the opposite is also true, that is, ‘Short term gain, l-o-o-o-n-n-n-g term pain’………
Yes, definitely you can.
You must have realized by now that all your marriage problems are in your and your spouse’s mind.
Actually, they are in your subconscious minds.
So you have to learn the art of tapping the awesome powers with in your subconscious mind to heal your marriage from its roots.
That is why learning and practicing our various mind power techniques will be a great, great help.
They are well-tried, time-tested and well-proven methods to help you to go through this fire of life with least, least, least suffering………
Those people where marriage counselling succeeds greatly have the following common points:
They understand very, very clearly that the outer world is a reflection of their inner world.
So they totally stop trying to change others’ behaviour.
Instead, they focus on their own thoughts first and what actions they can do to improve their own life.
They take total charge of their actions and their all consequences – good or bad.
They stop playing the destructive game of accusing, blaming and complaining.
They understand completely that all this is for their own emotional and spiritual growth.
They attend all the required sessions regularly, and
Consistently practice all the easy techniques………
You start becoming more aware of your own bottled up feelings and start expressing them to a counsellor or a close empathic friend.
Plus, you need a personalized guidance from a trusted counsellor or mentor to get the right answers………
You can contact Dr. Arora for his well-known mind power counselling of 7 Mind Secrets.
Just call him now to directly talk with him.
Then Dr. Arora, an awakened soul, will help you through his Online Coaching.
For the last more than 4 decades he has been helping ambitious people like you who are having Severe Anxiety in their Marriage.
You too are soon going to learn how to lead a Beautiful Magical Wonderful Life [BMW Life].
Please Consult him now.